spirit OF da COINZ
Penah dengar pasal 'main spirit'? Bagi yang tak tau atau kurang familiar, main spirit ni adalah satu 'permainan' pemujaan, yang menggunakan duit syiling sebagai bahan perantaraan. Kalau di negara barat, lebih dikenali sebagai 'ouija', konsep & caranya adalah sama seperti 'main spirit' ni. Bezanya, main spirit menggunakan coin (syiling) manakala 'ouija' biasanya mempunyai coin khas (daripada kayu) berlubang di tengah.
Satu gambarajah akan dibuat pada kertas, secara asasnya mengandungi :
1. susunan huruf2 dari A - Z
2. angka dari 1 - 9
3. dua ruang @ petak, satu petak tertulis 'YES' dan satu lagi 'NO'
4. satu ruang tertulis 'HOME'. Kadangkala digantikan dengan 'GOODBYE'. fungsinya lebih kurang sama macam fungsi button 'ENTER' pada kibord. Fungsi kedua adalah sebagai point untuk memulakan & menamatkan permainan.
Rekabentuk rajah ada pelbagai, terpulang kepada kreativiti. Ada yang ringkas, ada yang canggih, dan ada yang klasik. Contoh :
Matlamat permainan ini adalah untuk berhubung dengan spirit @ semangat termasuk roh2 orang yang meninggal dunia (sebenarnya itu tak lain melainkansyaitan yang terkutuk, yang hanya berniat untuk menyesatkan manusia).
Coin akan diletakkan di atas rajah, di atas petak tertulis 'HOME', dan akan disentuh dengan jari. Sentuhan mestilah tidak terlalu kuat, cukup sekadar menyentuh. Paling minima dan paling ideal adalah dua orang, ini untuk memudahkan pergerakan coin yang telah diresapi spirit tersebut.
Secara beramai2, spirit akan diseru untuk memasuki coin. Dua orang yang menyentuh coin tadi akan merasakan ada pergerakan pada coin, dan tugas mereka hanyalah memastikan jari akan mengikut ke mana saja coin itu bergerak, serta sentiasa dalam keadaan menyentuh coin.
Apabila coin telah mula bergerak keluar daripada 'HOME', maka bermulalah 'contact' antara para pemain dan spirit, dan apa saja soalan boleh ditanya. Spirit akan menjawab dengan bergerak ke arah huruf @ angka satu persatu.
Jika ada antara yang terlibat ragu2 sama ada pergerakan coin itu adalah dari kehadiran spirit, atau 'si tukang sentuh' yang sengaja menggerakkannya, dia bolehlah menanyakan 'soalan2 password', yang hanya dia seorang yang tahu jawapannya.
Itu antara pengenalan ringkas tentang 'permainan spirit'. Sebenarnya, aku pun ada pengalman beberapa kali melibatkan diri dalam main spirit ni. Tapi itu dulu, time tu aku tak tau sangat pasal hukum. Zaman jahiliah.. Skarang dah tobat.Main spirit adalah haram di sisi Islam, sama seperti haramnya sihir. Aku nak crita pglaman ni pun bukan apa, saja nak kongsi. Lagipun pengalaman aku ni pun bukannya hebat sangat, biasa2 je.
Untuk itu, nama2 watak yang terlibat sengaja diubah.
Kisah 1 :
Satu petang di zaman aku study dulu, aku dengan beberapa orang member Amin, Sham, Robert, Shena & Rita pakat nak buat stadi grup kat bawah pokok di tepi tasik, konon2 nak buat kelainan la. Kitorang pun pegi lah ke tempat yang dipersetujui tu pada masa yang tlah dijanjikan. Tapi time tu si Robert tak sampai2 lagi. Kitorang tunggu sambil sembang2. Masa menunggu tu, Amin men'suggest'kan "Tempat tok dah OK, pa kata kita main spirit?"
Usul itu diterima sebulat suara sebab kitorang semua memang 'sama palak'. Dan yang akan sentuh coin tu adalah aku dengan Shena.
Tengah asyik layan 'game' ni, Shena kemukakan soalan : "Sinie Robert? (Mana Robert?)"
Spirit tu bagi jawapan : T-I-D-O-E-R
Shena : Tidur? No wonder sik datang2... Nya tido sinie?
Spirit : B-2-1-7
"B217? Hah..! mistake lah ya. Bilit Robert bukan B217,.. B215 lah.." Sham mencelah.
Dipendekkan crita, lepas kitorang selesai 'melayari' main spirit tu, Robert pun sampai. Belum sempat tanya apa2, dia dengan muka slumber meng'eksplein' : "Sori guys, aku ter'over slept'. Kunci ku tetinggal lam bilit. Tepaksa ku nunggu roommate ku balit. Ku lepak di bilit dak Alex tek sementara nunggunya, alu tertido-tido sia".
Sham : Bilit Alex apa nombo?
Robert : Sebelah bilit mek urang ya bah.. B215..
Stakat itu je kisah ni yang aku boleh ingat. Perlu diingatkan, jawapan atau ramalan dari spirit tidak selalunya betul @ tepat. Kadang2 betul, adakalanya silap. Ianya lebih kepada tujuan menimbulkan permusuhan di kalangan umat manusia.
Spirit ni macam manusia jugak, ada macam2 perwatakan. Ada yang mesra, ada'kaki plentei', ada yang macam pemalu dan sebagainya.
Kisah 2 :
Suatu malam, kira2 kul 10pm macam tu, aku, Khairi, Hans & Azri lepak2 kat rumah sewa Hans kat area Kpg Gita. Lebih kurang sama macam kes di atas, kami berempat memilih untuk bermain spirit sebagai aktiviti mengatasi keboringan. Permainan dimulakan, dan berlakulah dialog antara kami dengan spirit..
Khairi : Macam nie nak senang carik duit?
Spirit : A-K-U-K-A-N-D-U-I-T
Azri : c**ai punya spirit.. Tauk la aku mek urang tengah main ngan duit tok. Main2 ko.. Mun ko terer, apa wana sp**der dipakei aku masa tok?
Spirit : W-A-R-N-A-W-A-R-N-A-W-A-R-N-A...
Azri mengalih pandangan kepada kami. "Tauk apa sebab nya sikpat jawab soalan ya? Sebab.. malam tok aku sik makei sp**der ..hahaha..
Turn aku pulak tanya soalan, dan terkelua lah soalan bonus yang akhirnya memerangkap diri sendiri, seterusnya 'menewaskan' kami dalam 'game' tersebut.
Aku : Brapa orang kamek urang sitok?
Spirit : 5
Kami berempat berpandangan sesama sendiri. Blur..
Aku : Camnie boleh jadi 5?
Spirit : Z-K-H-A-P
Aku : OK,.. Aku Z, K= Khairi, H= Hans, A =Azri. P ya sapa?
Spirit : P-O-N-T-I-A-N-A-K (home) D-I-L-U-A-R-P-I-N-T-U-T-U-N-G-G-U (home)
Kitorang apalagi, semua jadi kelam kabut. Semua lari ke dalam bilik.
Setelah beberapa ketika, kitorang pun beranikan diri keluar dari bilik untuk kontek balik dengan spirit tadi. Kontek punya kontek, last2 dapat jugak. Kitorang cakap, tolong jangan bagi 'kak pon' tu masuk. Biar dia pegi jauh2. Korang nak tau apa jawapan spirit tu??
Spirit : M-A-I-N-M-A-I-N-S-A-J-A
p/s : jangan mara :)))
Spirit of the coin
Since young, I’ve been very interested in horror stories. To some, it is taboo to listen to ghost stories at night for fear the tales might haunt them, but they excite me and I especially enjoy listening to stories about the Japanese Occupation.
Here is how my fascination nearly got me into trouble.
When I was studying in a local university, a few of my friends and I preferred staying in the hostel rather than commuting from home. Having that “freedom’’ allowed us to do some crazy things.
One Friday night, we were in room 415, which belonged to one of my friends, Dewina. We liked to “lepak” (hang out) there, and since her room faced the cafeteria and the car park, we got to watch “live shows” – couples on bikes and in cars getting all hot and steamy.
Being young and cheeky, we switched off the room light and spied on them, then had a good laugh after that.
And there was another thing we enjoyed doing – inviting “unwanted guests” to the room. Although we had been warned several times by our parents, there was still a thrill in playing the game called “Spirit of the Coin’’.
Poppy and I were the chosen ones to place our fingers on a coin each time we played this game. Fortunately, that day, I had a cut on my finger so I refused to put my finger on the coin. Poppy agreed to do it on her own.
A few minutes later, we heard the sound of a lizard and a strange feeling came over all of us. We felt a cold wind blowing past. After a moment of silence, we began asking the spirit silly questions. We had a few laughs as well as disappointing news, as we were told that we might not pass our semester examination. We then asked the spirit how she had died.
Suddenly, the spirit got angry and said that she had committed suicide because of failed love. She wanted to seek revenge and told us she wanted to be our friend, to be with us forever. Then it struck us that this spirit was not joking. We quickly (and politely) asked the spirit to return home. After refusing several times, she went home.
After the game, we felt as though there was a sixth person in the room although there were only five of us. Not having learnt our lesson, we played the game again the next afternoon and the same spirit came into the coin. This time the spirit showed a liking for Poppy, who although religious, was vulnerable due to personal problems.
After the game, Poppy confessed she didn’t feel good playing this game as she could feel something terribly amiss. We agreed to quit for the day.
Life went on as usual after that, but not for Poppy. She used to be cheerful, but became very quiet and fearful of everything. She skipped classes and couldn’t concentrate on her studies.
My friends and I called Poppy to room 415 one day. At first she refused to come but after much persuasion, she agreed. She came into the room with a note pad in her hand. She sat on the bed and did not talk to any of us, but scribbled on her note pad. She started screaming when we approached her. Then she threw things and started to cry. Being the most religious of the rest, I told them to stay in the room and pray.
We closed our eyes and didn’t dare look at Poppy. Her eyes told us that she was possessed by the spirit. The moment Poppy stopped crying, all of us looked at her. She was sitting on the bed opposite us, and when she removed the pillow which was covering her face, her stare was terrible and evil. Her eyes were red and watery.
“Oh, my god, it is not our Poppy,’’ Thini whispered.
And what did we do? We ran as fast as we could out of the room. We stopped when we were some distance away and thought carefully of our next move.
We decided to call her parents. Two of us guarded the room to prevent Poppy from coming out. We were afraid she might do something crazy like jump off the roof. Her parents finally came and took her to see some priests. They prayed over her but nothing worked.
The spirit disturbed all of us. We had nightmares and felt something strange around us for almost a month. Poppy, on the other hand, suffered the most. The spirit threatened to kill us if we didn’t leave her alone. We knew the spirit wanted Poppy, but we had to save her.
Only her faith in god and our true friendship helped her. Slowly, she regained control of herself and was not afraid of the spirit anymore. Today, she is a career woman, a caring wife and mother who says a daily mantra and is very religious.
We all learnt our lesson, especially Poppy, and there will always be a sense of fear in all of us. This incident is one my friends and I will remember for the rest of our lives. I am a teacher now and always tell this story to my students to remind them of the consequences of inviting unwanted “guests” into their lives.
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